[ 菊花 | Chrysanthemum ]
菊花味甘苦,性微寒; 有散风清热、清肝明目和解毒消炎等作用。对口干、火旺、目涩,或由风、寒、湿引起的肢体疼痛、麻木的疾病均有一定的疗效。主治感冒风热,头痛病等。对眩晕、头痛、耳鸣有防治作用。
For generations, chrysanthemum tea has helped to lower blood pressure, cool the body, and reduce inflammation, all of which can help to induce calmness. The powerful antioxidants and minerals present in the infusion can help your body better regulate itself and eliminate unnecessary stress hormones in the blood.
For generations, chrysanthemum tea has helped to lower blood pressure, cool the body, and reduce inflammation, all of which can help to induce calmness. The powerful antioxidants and minerals present in the infusion can help your body better regulate itself and eliminate unnecessary stress hormones in the blood.
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