Signs You Are Ready to Have a Baby

Signs You Are Ready to Have a Baby | Light Shine Lifestyle

Unless you have already decided that you and your spouse prefer a child-free marriage, then there will probably come a time when the two of you wonder aloud if you're ready to have a baby. Deciding to have a baby can be a tough decision, and it is one that is not right for everyone. While you are soul-searching about whether you're ready to have a baby, you should pay attention to any indications that you might be ready for parenthood.

Here are some signs that you're ready to have a baby.

Baby Lust

You can't keep your eyes off babies or pregnant ladies. Every time you pass by a chubby little baby in his mamma's arms, you can't help but smile. You might even be one of those people who has to pinch cheeks or brush one of those tiny hands. If the baby belongs to a family member or friend, you might find yourself wanting to constantly hold and cuddle the baby. A whiff of that new baby smell and you find yourself in love.

Fortunate Finances

Babies cost serious money. If you don't have the dough, you should put off having a baby. You don't have to be a Rockefeller. But you shouldn't be in debt or barely surviving month to month. Take an honest look at your finances. Look at the cost of diapers, formula, baby clothes, health insurance when you add a dependent, etc. Will you be able to swing it? What kind of strain will it put on your pocketbook?

If you can't quite afford it, are there things you can do to save more or earn more? If so, start planning on that.

Care Taking

While money is necessary, it will only get you so far. You also need to be a caretaker. Your baby will need 24-seven supervision for quite some time. And although your bundle of joy will start out at a reasonable size, he or she will want to be held - probably a lot.

Although you will treasure every cuddle and hug, carrying the baby will be a lot of hard work. In between, you'll have to change diapers - and sometimes clothes, which will also have to be washed. If you're breastfeeding, you'll have to pay special attention to your diet and water intake. If you're bottle-feeding, you'll have to sanitize the bottles. No matter what you'll have more work than you have ever known. You must be physically capable and willing. And you have to plans in place for caretaking if you must return to work after the baby is born.

Lucky in Love

Being married isn't enough. Your marriage should be stable and in good standing. You two should have already taken the necessary time - whatever that means for you - to enjoy the honeymoon phase and get used to life as a married pair. Couples who are always arguing or are unsure of their future together should avoid bringing a baby into the family. Some people mistakenly think that having a baby will solve all their problems. In reality, a baby just magnifies them. And the poor, innocent child is the victim in the end. So, reflect honestly on the status of your marriage before taking the leap.

Happy and Healthy

Both of you need to be healthy, especially the woman who will be carrying the baby.

You might want to get check-ups to make sure all your parts are in working order and invest in ovulation kits to better plan your attempts at conceiving. Some couples might even have genetic testing done to determine if their children would be vulnerable to certain genetic diseases. Of course, women should start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as they decide to start trying to conceive.

Sacrifices, Sacrifices

Forget about those long, hot baths, bar hopping with your friends, or sleeping in on Saturdays. Those days are over once the baby arrives. You will have to make tremendous sacrifices, and your lifestyle will drastically change. At least for a while, you'll be a homebody. And you'll need to make your child your number one priority, which means your needs might become secondary. In addition, women have to be willing to go through nine months of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and recovery.

You have to be willing to give up a lot. The good news is that there are pros, too, such as the love and joy babies bring into families.

The Talk

You and your spouse should be discussing your thoughts on the subject of having a baby. And you should both be on the same page or willing to consider the other person's position. You both must desire the child and be willing to put in the work during the pregnancy, labor and delivery, and, of course, the raising of the child. Parenthood isn't for the fainthearted and you both have to be committed to the idea.

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